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KEY: D / H / P - D means basic dimensions are shown; H means a history is given; P means one or more photographs included.
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Ships beginning with the initial letter T
Ship Name Year Builder D / H / P T A Gibb 1865 Marshall Brothers, Willington Quay D / H T A Gibb 1865 Wigham Richardson, Neptune Yard, Low Walker D / H T A Jolliffe (TT) 1901 JP Rennoldson & Sons, South Shields D / H / P T B 21 1909 R & W Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P T B 22 1909 R & W Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H T B 24 1909 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Jarrow D / H T B 33 1909 R & W Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H T B 34 1909 R & W Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H T B 35 1909 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Jarrow D / H T B 36 1909 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Jarrow D / H T D Marshall 1857 TD Marshall, South Shields D / H / P T D Marshall (TT) 1859 TD Marshall, South Shields D / H T E Forster 1866 T & W Smith, Limekilns Shore, North Shields D / H T F 1 1917 Armstrong, Whitworth & Co Ltd, Low Walker D / H / P T F 2 1917 Armstrong, Whitworth & Co Ltd, Low Walker D / H / P T I C No 20 1923 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P T I C No 21 1923 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P T I C No 22 1923 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P T I C No 23 1923 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P T I C No 24 1924 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P T I C No 25 1924 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P T I C No 51 1910 Hepple & Co Ltd, South Shields D / H T I C Screw Keel No 4 1924 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P T J Robson 1882 Schlesinger, Davis & Co, Wallsend D / H T W M Reclaim 1989 G Crutwell, Davy Bank, Wallsend D / H / P T W Mould 1898 R & W Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H T W Rhodes 1871 Readhead, Softley & Co, South Shields D / H T W Stuart 1896 Wood, Skinner & Co Ltd, Bill Quay D / H / P Taarnholm 1905 Wood, Skinner & Co Ltd, Bill Quay D / H / P Tabaristan 1947 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Tabaristan 1969 Swan Hunter & Tyne Shipbuilders Ltd D / H / P Taboga 1898 Wigham Richardson, Neptune Yard, Low Walker D / H Tacito 1924 Northumberland Shipbuilding Co Ltd, Howdon D / H / P Tacsonia 1905 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H Tactician 1900 CS Swan & Hunter, Wallsend D / H / P Tadorna 1896 Wigham Richardson, Neptune Yard, Low Walker D / H / P Tadorna 1910 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Neptune Yard D / H / P Tafelberg 1930 Armstrong, Whitworth & Co Ltd, Low Walker D / H / P Tafna 1880 Schlesinger, Davis & Co, Wallsend D / H Tafna 1887 J Readhead & Co, South Shields D / H / P Tafna 1890 Wigham Richardson, Neptune Yard, Low Walker D / H / P Tafna 1930 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Taganrog 1860 C Mitchell & Co, Low Walker D / H Tagliaferro 1882 Schlesinger, Davis & Co, Wallsend D / H / P Tagus 1872 Cole Brothers, Willington Quay D / H Tainha 1888 W Dobson & Co Ltd, Walker Tairoa 1920 Armstrong, Whitworth & Co, High Walker D / H / P Takachiho 1886 Armstrong, Mitchell & Co, Low Walker D / H / P Takao 1897 Wigham Richardson, Neptune Yard, Low Walker D / H Takasago 1898 Armstrong, Whitworth & Co Ltd, Low Walker D / H / P Talabot 1881 Schlesinger, Davis & Co, Wallsend D / H / P Talamba 1924 R & W Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P Talamba 1964 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Wallsend D / H / P Talavera 1889 W Dobson & Co Ltd, Walker D / H / P Talbot (TT) 1832 William Bowlt, Gateshead D / H Talbot 1833 WM Boutland, Bill Quay Talbot (TT) 1861 Marshall Brothers, Willington Quay D / H Talisman 1916 R & W Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P Talma 1923 R & W Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P Tam o'Shanter (TT) 1834 S Wood, South Shore, Gateshead D / H Tam o'Shanter (TT) 1851 W Cooper, North Shields D / H Tamahine 1925 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Neptune Yard D / H / P Tamar (TT) 1854 Miller, Ravenhill & Salkeld D / H Tamarind 1890 Wood, Skinner & Co Ltd, Bill Quay D / H / P Tamaye Maru 1909 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H Tamesa (TT) 1925 JP Rennoldson & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Tana 1921 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Jarrow D / H / P Tana 1953 Clelands (Successors) Ltd, Willington Quay D / H / P Tanais (TT) 1868 Wigham Richardson, Neptune Yard, Low Walker D / H Tancarville 1881 Campbell, MacIntosh & Bowstead, Scotswood D / H Tancred 1828 Philip Laing, South Shields D / H Tancred 1902 Tyne Iron Shipbuilding Co, Willington Quay D / H / P Tandanya (TT) 1911 JT Eltringham & Co, South Shields D / H / P Tanfield 1865 Palmer Brothers & Co, Willington Quay D / H Tanfield 1916 Northumberland Shipbuilding Co Ltd, Howdon D / H Tangistan 1950 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Tannenfels 1898 Wigham Richardson, Neptune Yard, Low Walker D / H / P Tantallon 1879 A Leslie, Hebburn D / H / P Tantallon 1898 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Tapton 1904 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Tarantula 1916 Wood, Skinner & Co Ltd, Bill Quay D / H / P Tarbatness 1967 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Neptune Yard D / H / P Tarcoola 1902 Tyne Iron Shipbuilding Co, Willington Quay D / H / P Tarmo 1907 Armstrong, Whitworth & Co Ltd, Low Walker D / H / P Tarret 1939 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Neptune Yard D / H / P Tarset (TT) 1835 W Sorry, North Shields D / H Tartar 1797 Edward Mosley & Co, Howdon Tartar 1843 J Dowey, North Shields Tartar (TT) 1850 TD Marshall, South Shields D / H Tartar (TT) 1853 North Shields (unspecified builder) D / H Tartar (TT) 1861 Hepple & Landells, North Shields D / H Tartar 1939 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Wallsend D / H / P Tarter (TT) 1847 T Anderson, North Shields D / H Tasmania 1892 CS Swan & Hunter, Wallsend D / H / P Tasmanian Transport 1913 Northumberland Shipbuilding Co Ltd, Howdon D / H / P Tasmanic 1907 R & W Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P Tasso 1874 J Readhead & Co, Lawe Yard, South Shields D / H Tasso 1938 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Neptune Yard D / H Tasso 1945 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Neptune Yard D / H / P Tatsuta 1894 Armstrong, Mitchell & Co, Elswick D / H / P Taurus 1905 Tyne Iron Shipbuilding Co, Willington Quay D / H / P Tay 1877 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Jarrow D / H / P Tayo II 1915 Wood, Skinner & Co Ltd, Bill Quay D / H Tcherkask 1869 A Leslie, Hebburn D / H Tchihatchoff 1867 C Mitchell & Co, Low Walker D / H / P Teakwood 1927 Armstrong, Whitworth & Co, High Walker D / H / P Teal 1897 Edwards Brothers, North Shields D / H / P Teazer (TT) 1863 JD Burdis, North Shields D / H / P Teazer (TT) 1866 JD Burdis, North Shields D / H / P Teddington 1880 CS Swan & Hunter, Wallsend D / H Tees (TT) 1836 J Miller, South Shields D / H Tees 1877 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Jarrow D / H / P Teesbridge 1905 R Stephenson & Co, Hebburn D / H / P Teesdale 1787 Headlam & Co, Gateshead Teiresias 1915 R & W Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P Telconia 1909 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Neptune Yard D / H / P Telefon 1900 Wood, Skinner & Co Ltd, Bill Quay D / H / P Telegram 1858 Bill Quay (unspecified builder) D / H Telegraph (TT) 1852 North Shields (unspecified builder) D / H Telegraph (TT) 1857 J Conley, Coble Dene, North Shields D / H Telegraph (TT) 1859 South Shields (unspecified builder) D / H Telegraph (TT) 1877 J Jackson, South Shields D / H / P Telemachus 1793 Charles Stuart, Newcastle D / H Telemachus 1880 A Leslie, Hebburn D / H Telephone (TT) 1884 W Brown, St Anthony's, Newcastle D / H Telford 1877 Tyne Iron Shipbuilding Co, Willington Quay D / H Telpher 1910 JP Rennoldson & Sons, South Shields D / H Teme 1910 JT Eltringham & Co, South Shields D / H Temon 1873 T & W Smith, Limekilns Shore, North Shields D / H Tempo 1881 T & W Smith, Limekilns Shore, North Shields D / H Ten 1901 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H Tenby Castle 1898 Edwards Brothers, North Shields D / H Tenby Castle 1908 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H Tender 1848 Thomas Young, North Shields Tenedos 1841 Robert Trotter & Co, Bill Quay D / H Tenedos 1919 R & W Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P Tenterden 1815 James Cockburn, Newcastle D / H Tenterden 1883 Campbell, MacIntosh & Bowstead, Scotswood D / H Teresa 1857 Gateshead (unspecified builder) Teresa (TT) 1870 C Mitchell & Co, Low Walker D / H Terje Viken 1902 Tyne Iron Shipbuilding Co, Willington Quay D / H / P Termagant 1916 R & W Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P Tern 1868 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Jarrow D / H Terpsichore 1848 Thomas Wallis, South Shields D / H Terrible (TT) 1865 T Hepple & Son, Low Walker D / H Terrible (TT) 1866 Low Walker (unspecified shipbuilder) D / H Terrier (TT) 1864 JD Burdis, North Shields D / H Terrier 1864 JD Burdis, North Shields Terror 1856 Palmer Brothers & Co, Jarrow D / H / P Terror (TT) 1857 Palmer Brothers & Co, Jarrow D / H Test (TT) 1852 J Dowey, North Shields D / H Test (TT) 1853 A Woodhouse, South Shields D / H Test 1907 Hepple & Co Ltd, South Shields D / H Testbank 1937 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Teucer 1906 R & W Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P Teutonia 1881 Schlesinger, Davis & Co, Wallsend D / H Teviotbank 1938 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Tewa (TT) 1956 T Mitchison, Friar's Goose, Gateshead D / H Texaco Great Britain 1971 Swan Hunter & Tyne Shipbuilders Ltd D / H / P Texaco Westminster 1968 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Wallsend D / H / P Thala 1928 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H Thalun 1929 Armstrong, Whitworth & Co Ltd, Low Walker Thames 1767 Francis Hurry & Co, Howdon Thames 1807 Francis Hurry & Co, Howdon Thames 1830 George Kell, South Shields D / H Thames (TT) 1834 S Wood, South Shore, Gateshead D / H Thamesfield 1959 Hawthorn, Leslie (Ship Builders) Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P Thanet 1919 R & W Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P Thayetmyo 1895 Edwards Brothers, North Shields D / H The Collector (TT) 1908 JT Eltringham & Co, South Shields D / H The Duchess 1924 C Rennoldson, South Shields D / H / P The Marchioness 1924 C Rennoldson, South Shields D / H The Marquis 1924 C Rennoldson, South Shields D / H / P The Norman 1908 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H The Princess 1873 William Cleland & Co, Willington Quay D / H The Roman 1909 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H / P Themis 1797 Francis Hurry & Co, Howdon Themisto 1901 CS Swan & Hunter, Wallsend D / H / P Themoni 1929 Northumberland Shipbuilding Co Ltd, Howdon D / H / P Theodore Engels 1869 Readhead, Softley & Co, South Shields D / H / P Theresa 1857 Harry S Edwards, South Shields D / H Theresa Ward (TT) 1900 JP Rennoldson & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Thessalia 1912 Tyne Iron Shipbuilding Co, Willington Quay D / H / P Theta 1879 C Mitchell & Co, Low Walker D / H / P Thiara 1939 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Wallsend D / H / P Thiers (TT) 1906 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H / P Thirteen 1901 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H Thirty 1902 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H Thirty Eight 1902 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H Thirty Five 1902 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H Thirty Four 1902 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H Thirty One 1902 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H Thirty Seven 1902 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H Thirty Six 1902 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H Thirty Three 1902 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H Thirty Two 1902 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H Thisbe 1917 R & W Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P Thisbe 1919 C Rennoldson, South Shields D / H / P Thistle 1874 JT Eltringham, South Shields D / H Thistle 1879 JT Eltringham, South Shields D / H Thistle (TT) 1888 J & PC Winlo, South Shields D / H Thistle 1901 JT Eltringham & Co, South Shields D / H Thistle 1904 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H Thoburn 1838 Thomas Metcalfe & Son, Jarrow D / H Thomas 1780 T Curry, Newcastle Thomas 1832 George Kell & Son, South Shields D / H Thomas 1862 Bill Quay (unspecified builder) Thomas & Alice 1799 Thomas Walmsley, North Shields Thomas & Ann 1824 Jonathan Brown, South Shore, Gateshead Thomas & Isabella (TT) 1832 A Bell, North Shields D / H Thomas & Isabella 1841 Thomas Metcalfe & Son, Jarrow D / H Thomas & Mary 1840 Straker & Love, Howdon Dock D / H Thomas & Mary (TT) 1856 J Dowey, North Shields D / H Thomas & Robert 1828 Weatherley, Wharton & Co, Howdon D / H Thomas and Margaret 1845 R Maddison, Bill Quay D / H Thomas Barker 1837 Thomas Barker, South Shields D / H Thomas Bell 1840 William Reay, Walker D / H Thomas Dowding 1917 C Rennoldson, South Shields D / H / P Thomas Dugdale 1873 A Leslie, Hebburn D / H Thomas Forrest 1849 Thomas Forsyth, South Shields D / H Thomas Gillespy 1866 T & W Smith, Limekilns Shore, North Shields D / H Thomas Hamlin 1851 Coutts & Parkinson, Willington Quay D / H Thomas Hankins 1918 JP Rennoldson & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Thomas Hoult 1837 Robert Gray, Friar's Goose, Gateshead D / H Thomas Isabella 1826 Thomas Simpson, North Shields D / H Thomas Jolliffe (TT) 1886 J Readhead & Co, South Shields D / H Thomas Laundry 1918 JP Rennoldson & Sons, South Shields D / H Thomas Lea 1864 Palmer Brothers & Co, Jarrow D / H Thomas Melville 1882 A Leslie, Hebburn D / H Thomas Metcalf 1840 Thomas Metcalfe & Son, Jarrow D / H Thomas Nicholson (TT) 1903 Hepple & Co, North Shields D / H / P Thomas Petley (TT) 1846 R Banks, North Shields D / H Thomas Rusbridger 1847 Bill Quay (unspecified builder) D / H Thomas Wayman 1893 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H Thomas Young 1838 C Young & Sons, South Shields D / H Thomas Young 1914 JT Eltringham & Co, Willington Quay D / H Thompsons 1821 Forsyth & Co, South Shields Thor 1899 Edwards Brothers, North Shields D / H Thornaby 1935 R & W Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P Thornbrough 1876 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Jarrow D / H Thornhill 1879 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Jarrow D / H Thornhope 1924 Wood, Skinner & Co Ltd, Bill Quay D / H Thornley 1896 CS Swan & Hunter, Wallsend D / H Thornliebank 1939 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H Thorntondale 1888 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Thorseggen 1983 Swan Hunter & Tyne Shipbuilders Ltd D / H / P Thracian 1920 R & W Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P Three 1900 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H Three 1908 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H / P Three Brothers 1787 William Gilley, South Shields D / H Three Brothers 1791 William Rowe, St Peter's, Newcastle Three Brothers 1811 Simon Temple, Jarrow Three Friends 1824 George Boutland, Bill Quay D / H Thrift 1915 C Miller, South Shields D Thrive 1904 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H Thropton 1884 CS Swan & Hunter, Wallsend D / H Throsk 1977 Clelands Shipbuilders Ltd, Willington Quay D / H / P Throstlegarth 1895 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Jarrow D / H Thruster 1917 R & W Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P Thule 1892 Wigham Richardson, Neptune Yard, Low Walker D / H / P Thuntank 6 1970 Clelands Shipbuilders Ltd, Willington Quay D / H / P Thurso 1909 W Dobson & Co Ltd, Walker D / H Thursobank 1940 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Thyra 1866 A Leslie, Hebburn D / H / P Tiara 1874 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Jarrow D / H Tiber 1819 Richard Bulmer & Co, South Shields D / H Tiberius 1903 Northumberland Shipbuilding Co Ltd, Howdon D / H Tiberius 1905 Northumberland Shipbuilding Co Ltd, Howdon D / H / P Tidepool 1963 Hawthorn, Leslie (Ship Builders) Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P Tidereach 1955 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Wallsend D / H / P Tidespring 1963 Hawthorn, Leslie (Ship Builders) Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P Tielbank 1937 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Tiflis 1900 Armstrong, Whitworth & Co Ltd, Low Walker D / H / P Tiger (TT) 1833 W Sorry, South Shields D / H Tiger (TT) 1838 North Shields (unspecified builder) D / H Tiger (TT) 1847 J Cooper & Co, North Shields D / H Tiger (TT) 1863 Marshall Brothers, Willington Quay D / H Tiger (TT) 1864 Marshall Brothers, Willington Quay D / H Tigress (TT) 1840 W Cooper & J Gardner, North Shields D / H Tigress 1840 William Reay, Walker D / H Tigress 1912 R & W Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P Tigris 1802 Francis Hurry & Co Tigris 1902 Armstrong, Whitworth & Co Ltd, Low Walker D / H Tijuca 1886 Armstrong, Mitchell & Co, Low Walker D / H / P Tilawa 1924 R & W Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P Tilbury 1918 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Wallsend D / H / P Tilbury Caisson 1928 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Wallsend D / H / P Tilsco 1885 Wood, Skinner & Co Ltd, Bill Quay D / H Tilsington Court 1928 Armstrong, Whitworth & Co Ltd, Low Walker D / H / P Timbo 1883 George K Smith, Whitehill Point, North Shields D / H / P Time 1890 Tyne Iron Shipbuilding Co, Willington Quay D / H Times (TT) 1857 A Woodhouse, South Shields D / H Times 1869 J & P Winlo, South Shields D / H Timor 1872 C Mitchell & Co, Low Walker D / H Timsah 1870 C Mitchell & Co, Low Walker D / H Tintagel 1918 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Wallsend D / H / P Tipper (TT) 1879 JT Eltringham, South Shields D / H Tiradentes 1892 Armstrong, Mitchell & Co, Elswick D / H / P Tireless 1902 J Lindsay, St Anthony's D / H Tirreno 1914 Northumberland Shipbuilding Co Ltd, Howdon D / H / P Titan 1896 Armstrong, Mitchell & Co, Elswick D / H Titan (TT) 1899 JP Rennoldson & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Titan (TT) 1909 Hepple & Co Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Titan III barge 1979 Swan Hunter & Tyne Shipbuilders D / H / P Titania 1847 J & J Hair, St Peter's, Newcastle D / H Titania 1852 William Cunningham, St Lawrence D / H / P Titania 1896 Armstrong, Mitchell & Co, Low Walker D / H Tiverton 1883 Campbell, MacIntosh & Bowstead, Scotswood D / H / P Tiverton 1906 R Stephenson & Co, Hebburn D / H Tiviot 1802 William Carse, Newcastle Tiviotdale 1826 John Brunton, South Shields D / H Tjomo 1892 Wood, Skinner & Co Ltd, Bill Quay D / H / P Toas 1926 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H Toba (TT) 1928 R & W Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P Tockwith 1887 J Readhead & Co, South Shields D / H / P Toiler (TT) 1875 Lancelot Liddle, Willington Quay D / H Toiler 1911 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Neptune Yard D / H / P Tokiwa 1899 Armstrong, Whitworth & Co Ltd, Elswick D / H / P Tom 1835 Hood & Henderson, Bill Quay D / H Tom 1836 W Torrance, Bill Quay Tom 1873 C Mitchell & Co, Low Walker D / H Tom 1907 J Anderson & Son, Felling D / H Tom Bowline (TT) 1848 Thorburn & Grant, North Shields D / H Tom Boy 1869 E Lindsay, St Lawrence Tom John Taylor 1861 T & W Smith, Limekilns Shore, North Shields D / H Tom Perry (TT) 1879 J Jackson, South Shields D / H / P Tom Tit 1854 Palmer Brothers & Co, Jarrow D / H Tomas Brooks 1875 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Jarrow D / H Toms 1835 Thomas Metcalfe, South Shields D / H Tomsk 1880 C Mitchell & Co, Low Walker D / H Tongariro 1901 R & W Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P Tonsberg 1889 Wood, Skinner & Co Ltd, Bill Quay D / H Topaze 1878 CS Swan & Co, Wallsend D / H Tordenskjold 1868 Wigham Richardson, Neptune Yard, Low Walker D / H / P Tordenskjold 1889 T & W Smith, Limekilns Shore, North Shields D / H Tordenskjold 1898 Armstrong, Whitworth & Co Ltd, Low Walker D / H / P Tordenskjold 1903 Tyne Iron Shipbuilding Co, Willington Quay D / H / P Torilla 1911 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Jarrow D / H / P Torinia 1939 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Wallsend D / H / P Torino 1895 R Stephenson & Co, Hebburn D / H Tormore 1889 Edwards Shipbuilding Co Ltd, Howdon D / H Torondoc 1927 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Wallsend D / H / P Torpedo Boat No 4 1881 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Jarrow Torrent 1917 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Wallsend D / H / P Torrent 1971 Clelands Shipbuilders Ltd, Willington Quay D / H / P Torrid 1917 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Wallsend D / H / P Torrid 1972 Clelands Shipbuilders Ltd, Willington Quay D / H / P Tortona 1909 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Wallsend D / H / P Tosari 1890 CS Swan & Hunter, Wallsend D / H / P Toscana 1863 C Mitchell & Co, Low Walker D / H Tour 1866 C Mitchell & Co, Low Walker D / H Tower 1859 C Mitchell & Co, Low Walker D / H Tower 1917 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Wallsend D / H / P Tower Conquest 1968 Clelands Shipbuilders Ltd, Willington Quay D / H / P Tower Duchess 1969 Clelands Shipbuilders Ltd, Willington Quay D / H / P Tower Princess 1969 Clelands Shipbuilders Ltd, Willington Quay D / H / P Tower Venture 1968 Clelands Shipbuilders Ltd, Willington Quay D / H / P Town of Liverpool 1851 Thomas Wallis, South Shields D / H Towneley 1856 John Vernon, Low Walker D / H / P Towneley 1904 Wood, Skinner & Co Ltd, Bill Quay D / H / P Towneley 1910 Wood, Skinner & Co Ltd, Bill Quay D / H Towneley 1923 Wood, Skinner & Co Ltd, Bill Quay D / H Trader 1786 Francis Hurry & Co, Howdon Trader 1904 Wood, Skinner & Co Ltd, Bill Quay D / H / P Tradition 1973 Robsons Boats, South Shields D / H / P Trafalgar 1871 C Mitchell & Co, Low Walker D / H Trafalgar 1945 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Wallsend D / H / P Trafik 1852 TD Marshall, South Shields Train Ferry No 1 1917 Armstrong, Whitworth & Co Ltd, Low Walker D / H / P Train Ferry No 2 1917 Armstrong, Whitworth & Co Ltd, Low Walker D / H / P Transit 1834 Charles Smith & Sons, Howdon D / H Transit (TT) 1848 D Bider, East Jarrow D / H Transit 1864 T Hepple & Son, Low Walker D / H Transit 1864 Wigham Richardson, Neptune Yard, Low Walker D / H Transit 1871 C Mitchell & Co, Low Walker D / H / P Transit 1889 Wood, Skinner & Co Ltd, Bill Quay D / H / P Travancore 1877 A Leslie, Hebburn D / H Traveller 1794 Edward Mosley, Howdon Traveller 1818 James Evans, South Shields Traveller (TT) 1873 R & R Stobbs, Coble Dene, North Shields D / H Trawler Prince 1897 JT Eltringham & Co, South Shields D / H Treasure Trove 1868 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Jarrow D / H Treasury 1896 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Jarrow D / H / P Trebartha 1920 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Trebartha 1962 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Trecarne 1915 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H Trecarrell 1907 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H Tredegar 1881 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Willington Quay D / H Tredinnick 1921 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Trefusis 1893 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Trefusis 1961 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Tregantle 1903 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Tregantle 1918 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Tregarthen 1904 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Tregarthen 1913 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Tregenna 1880 J Readhead & Co, Lawe Yard, South Shields D / H Tregenna 1892 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Tregenna 1917 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H Tregenna 1949 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Treglisson 1889 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Treglisson 1912 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Tregothnan 1903 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Tregothnan 1949 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Tregurno 1891 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Tregurno 1911 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Trehawke 1915 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Trekieve 1883 J Readhead & Co, South Shields D / H / P Trekieve 1898 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Trekieve 1919 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields (Admiralty) D / H / P Trelawny 1888 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Trelawny 1907 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H Trelawny 1927 R & W Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P Treleigh 1894 JP Rennoldson & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Trelissick 1909 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H Treloske 1884 J Readhead & Co, South Shields D / H / P Treloske 1902 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H Treloske 1918 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Trelyon 1882 J Readhead & Co, South Shields D / H / P Trelyon 1898 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Trelyon 1919 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields (Admiralty) D / H / P Trematon 1904 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Trematon 1914 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Tremayne 1886 J Readhead & Co, South Shields D / H / P Tremayne 1906 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Tremeadow 1905 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H Tremont 1898 Tyne Iron Shipbuilding Co, Willington Quay D / H Tremont 1910 Armstrong, Whitworth & Co Ltd, Low Walker D / H / P Tremorvah 1905 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H Treneglos 1882 J Readhead & Co, South Shields D / H Treneglos 1885 J Readhead & Co, South Shields D / H / P Treneglos 1906 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H Treneglos 1918 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Trent 1797 Edward Mosley & Co, Howdon D / H Trent 1877 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Jarrow D / H / P Trent 1904 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H / P Trentham Hall 1897 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Jarrow D / H / P Tresco 1889 Tyne Iron Shipbuilding Co, Willington Quay D / H Tresillian 1890 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H Tresillian 1899 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Trevalgan 1890 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H Trevalgan 1911 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Trevanion 1891 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H Trevanion 1912 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H Trevarrack 1895 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Trevarrack 1914 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H Trevaylor 1890 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Trevaylor 1912 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Treveal 1909 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H Trevean 1885 J Readhead & Co, South Shields D / H Trevean 1902 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H Trevelloe 1884 J Readhead & Co, South Shields D / H Trevelyan 1894 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H Treverbyn 1910 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Trevessa 1899 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Trevethick 1866 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Willington Quay D / H Trevethoe 1895 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H Trevethoe 1913 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Trevider 1883 J Readhead & Co, South Shields D / H Trevider 1902 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Trevider 1913 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Trevilley 1881 J Readhead & Co, Lawe Yard, South Shields D / H Trevilley 1897 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Trevilley 1913 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Trevince 1907 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Trevorian 1889 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Trevorian 1911 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H Trevorian 1920 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Trevose 1881 JT Eltringham, South Shields D / H / P Trevose 1882 J Readhead & Co, South Shields D / H / P Trevose 1896 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Trevose 1918 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Trewavas 1888 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H Trewellard 1889 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Trewellard 1914 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Trewidden 1878 J Readhead & Co, Lawe Yard, South Shields D / H Trewidden 1892 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H Trewidden 1917 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Trewidden 1960 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Treworlas 1922 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Trewyn 1903 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Trewyn 1920 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields (Admiralty) D / H / P Triad 1794 Nicholson, Horn & Blenkinsop, South Shields Triad 1803 Francis Hurry & Co, North Shields D / H Triad 1815 Quintin Blackburn, South Shields D / H Trial 1794 Edward Mosley, Howdon Tricentrol 1923 Armstrong, Whitworth & Co, High Walker D / H / P Tricolor 1904 Tyne Iron Shipbuilding Co, Willington Quay D / H / P Tricolor 1906 Tyne Iron Shipbuilding Co, Willington Quay D / H / P Trident 1874 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Jarrow D / H Trident 1916 R & W Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P Trigonia 1898 Armstrong, Whitworth & Co Ltd, Low Walker D / H / P Trimdon Grange (TT) 1848 St Lawrence (unspecified builder) D / H Trinculo 1908 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Wallsend D / H Trinculo 1957 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Wallsend D / H / P Trinculo 1978 Swan Hunter & Tyne Shipbuilders Ltd D / H / P Tringa 1913 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Neptune Yard D / H / P Trinidad Dock 1907 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Wallsend Trinity (TT) 1844 J Dowey, North Shields D / H Trio 1806 R & J Bulmer, South Shields Trio 1876 J Coulson & Co, Wallsend D / H Tripoli 1890 Tyne Iron Shipbuilding Co, Willington Quay D / H Tripoli 1910 Armstrong, Whitworth & Co Ltd, Low Walker D / H / P Tritao (TT) 1888 W Dobson & Co Ltd, Walker D / H / P Triton 1817 Cuthbert Young, South Shields Triton 1894 Scotswood Shipbuilding Co, Scotswood D / H Triton 1961 Clelands Shipbuilding Co Ltd, Willington Quay D / H / P Triton 1972 Ryton Marine Ltd, Davey Bank, Wallsend P Triumph (TT) 1837 J Dowey, North Shields D / H Triumph (TT) 1872 T Hepple & Son, Low Walker D / H Triumph 1873 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Jarrow D / H / P Triumph (TT) 1893 JT Eltringham & Co, South Shields D / H / P Triumph 1946 R & W Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P Troilus 1914 R & W Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P Troisdoc 1928 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Wallsend D / H / P Trojan 1795 Simon Temple, South Shields Trojan 1883 Schlesinger, Davis & Co, Wallsend D / H Trojan 1897 Tyne Iron Shipbuilding Co, Willington Quay D / H / P Trojan 1905 Hepple & Co Ltd, South Shields D / H Trojan Prince 1896 J Readhead & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Tromso 1867 C Mitchell & Co, Low Walker D / H / P Trondhjem 1865 Wigham Richardson, Neptune Yard, Low Walker D / H / P Tronto 1905 Armstrong, Whitworth & Co Ltd, Low Walker D / H / P Troon (TT) 1902 JP Rennoldson & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Trooper 1902 JP Rennoldson & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Tropea 1892 R & W Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H Tropea 1905 Armstrong, Whitworth & Co Ltd, Low Walker D / H / P Tropic 1896 Tyne Iron Shipbuilding Co, Willington Quay D / H Tropic 1897 R & W Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H Tropic Bird 1907 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H Troubadour 1878 T & W Smith, Limekilns Shore, North Shields D / H Troughton 1826 Laing & Co, South Shields True Briton 1881 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Jarrow D / H / P Truine 1849 Gaddy & Lamb, Tyne Main, Gateshead Trump (TT) 1844 Jarrow (unspecified builder) D / H Trusty (TT) 1866 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Jarrow D / H Truwor 1884 HS Edwards & Sons, Howdon D / H Tse Kya Yeen Byan 1871 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Jarrow D / H / P Tsesarewitch Alexander 1875 C Mitchell & Co, Low Walker D / H / P Tsukushi 1883 Armstrong, Mitchell & Co, Low Walker D / H / P Tubal Cain (TT) 1860 R & R Stobbs, Coble Dene, North Shields D / H Tubal Cain 1905 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H Tuberose 1918 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Neptune Yard D / H Tudor 1844 T & W Smith, St Peter's, Newcastle D / H / P Tudor Prince 1888 JT Eltringham, South Shields D / H Tugela 1921 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Jarrow D / H / P Tuna 1885 HS Edwards & Sons, Howdon D / H Tung Shing 1903 Wigham Richardson, Neptune Yard, Low Walker D / H Tunis 1873 C Mitchell & Co, Low Walker D / H Tunisia 1927 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H Tunsberg Castle 1944 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Neptune Yard D / H / P Turakina 1902 R & W Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P Turbinia 1894 Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co, Wallsend D / H / P Turbinia 1904 R & W Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P Turbulent 1916 R & W Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P Turbulent 1919 R & W Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P Turenne 1907 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H / P Turk (TT) 1857 R & R Stobbs, Coble Dene, North Shields D / H Turkistan 1939 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Turkistan 1963 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Turquoise 1894 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Jarrow D / H Tuscan 1943 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Wallsend D / H / P Tuscan Star 1930 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P Tuscany 1902 Armstrong, Whitworth & Co Ltd, Low Walker D / H Tuskar (TT) 1870 T Hepple & Son, Low Walker D / H Tuzla 1942 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Neptune Yard D / H Tweed (TT) 1859 Hepple & Landells, North Shields D / H / P Tweed 1864 T Young & Sons, South Shields D / H Tweed 1877 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Jarrow D / H / P Tweed 1885 Wood, Skinner & Co Ltd, Bill Quay D / H Tweedside (TT) 1837 A Bell, North Shields D / H Twelve 1901 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H Twenty 1901 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H Twenty Eight 1902 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H Twenty Five 1902 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H / P Twenty Four 1902 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H Twenty Nine 1902 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H Twenty One 1902 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H Twenty Seven 1902 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H Twenty Six 1902 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H Twenty Three 1902 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H Twenty Two 1902 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H Twickenham Ferry 1934 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Neptune Yard D / H / P Twilight (TT) 1839 S Wood, South Shore, Gateshead D / H Twilight (TT) 1846 Gateshead (unspecified builder) D / H Twingone 1902 Armstrong, Whitworth & Co Ltd, Low Walker D / H / P Twist (TT) 1868 Readhead, Softley & Co, South Shields D / H Two 1900 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H Two 1907 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H / P Two Brothers 1820 Garthun Wall, North Shields D / H Two Brothers (TT) 1820 B Davison, South Shields D / H Two Friends (TT) 1877 JR Maxwell, South Shields D / H / P Two Sisters 1792 Ann Brodrick, South Shields Tycho Brahe 1867 A Leslie, Hebburn D / H / P Tymeric 1919 R & W Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P Tyne 1784 Newcastle (unspecified builder) D / H Tyne 1798 Ann Brodrick, South Shields Tyne 1803 Nicholson, Horn & Blenkinsop, South Shields Tyne (TT) 1820 John Bowlt, Gateshead D / H Tyne 1824 Forsyth & Co, South Shields D / H Tyne 1832 WM Boutland, Bill Quay D / H Tyne 1837 North Shields (unspecified builder) D / H Tyne 1848 J & J Hair, Newcastle D / H Tyne 1852 T & W Smith, Limekilns Shore, North Shields D / H Tyne 1854 Miller, Ravenhill & Salkeld D / H Tyne 1855 A Leslie, Hebburn D / H Tyne 1856 Palmer Brothers & Co, Jarrow D / H Tyne (TT) 1857 Newcastle (unspecified builder) D / H Tyne 1863 Wigham Richardson, Neptune Yard, Low Walker D / H Tyne 1867 John Winlo, South Shields D / H Tyne 1869 T Hepple & Son, Low Walker D / H Tyne 1873 CW Dodgin & Co, Low Lights, North Shields Tyne 1878 C Mitchell & Co, Low Walker D / H / P Tyne 1883 Dunston Shipbuilding Co, Dunston Tyne (TT) 1883 George K Smith, Whitehill Point, North Shields D / H / P Tyne 1891 JTB Kell, Dunston D / H Tyne 1896 WP Huntley, Hebburn Quay D / H Tyne 1901 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H / P Tyne & Trent Packet 1804 Alexander Doeg, Felling Shore, Gateshead Tyne Bell 1920 C Rennoldson, South Shields D / H / P Tyne Belle 1893 Edwards Brothers, North Shields D / H / P Tyne Castle 1893 Edwards Brothers, North Shields D / H / P Tyne Dock 1855 Gateshead (unspecified builder) D / H Tyne Dock 1874 Thomson, Newcastle Tyne Dock No 1 (TT) 1859 E Oliver, South Shields D / H Tyne Dock No 1 (TT) 1890 JT Eltringham, South Shields D / H Tyne Dock No 2 (TT) 1866 R & R Stobbs, Coble Dene, North Shields D / H / P Tyne Dock No 3 (TT) 1877 JP Rennoldson & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Tyne Dock No 4 (TT) 1889 JP Rennoldson & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Tyne Dock No 35 1900 JT Eltringham & Co, South Shields D / H Tyne Dock No 36 1900 JT Eltringham & Co, South Shields D / H Tyne Fisher 1891 Anderson, Laverick & Co, St Lawrence D / H / P Tyne Floating Dock 1885 River Tyne Dry Dock, Eng & Boiler Co Ltd, Wallsend D / H / P Tyne Packet 1803 Alexander Doeg, Felling Shore, Gateshead Tyne Pontoon 1891 CS Swan & Hunter, Wallsend Tyne Pride 1976 Swan Hunter & Tyne Shipbuilders D / H / P Tyne Prince 1909 Smith's Dock Co, North Shields D / H Tyne Queen 1865 Tyne Iron Shipbuilding Co, St Peter's D / H Tyne Steamboat (TT) 1814 John Bowlt, Gateshead D / H / P Tyne Wave 1891 Anderson, Laverick & Co, St Lawrence D / H Tynebank 1934 J Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields D / H / P Tynedale 1872 E Lindsay, St Lawrence Tynedale (TT) 1885 Lawson & Eltringham, South Shields D / H / P Tynefield 1901 Tyne Iron Shipbuilding Co, Willington Quay D / H / P Tynefield 1952 R & W Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, Hebburn D / H / P Tynemount 1913 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Neptune Yard D / H / P Tynemouth 1854 Coutts & Parkinson, Willington Quay D / H Tynemouth (TT) 1860 JD Burdis, North Shields D / H Tynemouth (TT) 1860 North Shields (unspecified builder) D / H Tynemouth 1862 J Rogerson, St Peter's, Newcastle D / H Tynemouth 1867 Readhead, Softley & Co, South Shields D / H Tynemouth 1883 Hepple & Co, North Shields D / H / P Tynemouth 1891 Wood, Skinner & Co Ltd, Bill Quay D / H / P Tynemouth 1896 Edwards Brothers, Howdon D / H / P Tynemouth 1902 Wood, Skinner & Co Ltd, Bill Quay D / H Tynemouth 1909 Wood, Skinner & Co Ltd, Bill Quay D / H / P Tynemouth 1917 Wood, Skinner & Co Ltd, Bill Quay D / H / P Tynemouth 1929 Northumberland Shipbuilding Co Ltd, Howdon D / H / P Tynemouth Castle 1870 C Mitchell & Co, Low Walker D / H Tynemouth Castle 1890 W Dobson & Co Ltd, Walker D / H Tyneside 1883 CS Swan & Hunter, Wallsend D / H / P Tynesider 1888 Schlesinger, Davis & Co, Wallsend D / H / P Tynesider 1911 JP Rennoldson & Sons, South Shields D / H / P Tyneville 1928 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Neptune Yard D / H Tyrian 1943 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Wallsend D / H / P Tyro (TT) 1838 Taylor & Bulmer, South Shields D / H Tysla 1914 Northumberland Shipbuilding Co Ltd, Howdon D / H / P ---------------------------- ------ ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------