A history of Tyne shipbuilders and the ships that they built




River Views



Vessels are listed by their names at completion only. For other name changes use the general search facility on the HOME page.
KEY: D / H / P - D means basic dimensions are shown; H means a history is given; P means one or more photographs included.
(TT) indicates that the link will open up in a new window belonging to our sister web site Tyne Tugs

Ships built in the year 1866

Ship Name Year Builder D / H / P
Leo 1866 Adamson & Pringle, Willington Quay D / H
Florence 1866 Bainbridge, Davy & Hopper, Willington Quay D / H
Phoenix 1866 Bell's Close, Lemington (unspecified builder) D / H
Swift 1866 Benwell (unspecified builder) D / H
Lady of the Lake 1866 Bill Quay (unspecified builder) D / H
Blue Bonnet (TT) 1866 Brodie & Maxwell, Coble Dene, North Shields D / H
Guide (TT) 1866 Brodie & Maxwell, Coble Dene, North Shields D / H
Ranger (TT) 1866 Brodie & Maxwell, Coble Dene, North Shields D / H
Isle of Ely (TT) 1866 JD Burdis, North Shields D / H
Teazer (TT) 1866 JD Burdis, North Shields D / H / P
Unity (TT) 1866 JD Burdis, North Shields D / H
Conquest (TT) 1866 Coble Dene (unspecified builder) D / H
Excelsior 1866 Friar's Goose, Gateshead D / H
Achievement (TT) 1866 T Hepple & Son, Low Walker D / H
Admiral (TT) 1866 T Hepple & Son, Low Walker D / H
Durham 1866 T Hepple & Son, Low Walker D / H
Lightning (TT) 1866 T Hepple & Son, Low Walker D / H / P
Mary Usher (TT) 1866 T Hepple & Son, Low Walker D / H
Pearl (TT) 1866 T Hepple & Son, Low Walker D / H
Robin Hood (TT) 1866 T Hepple & Son, Low Walker D / H
Snowdrop (TT) 1866 T Hepple & Son, Low Walker D / H / P
Wallsend (TT) 1866 T Hepple & Son, Low Walker D / H
Ann 1866 GC Hutchinson, St Peter's, Newcastle D / H
Carry On 1866 GC Hutchinson, St Lawrence, Newcastle D / H
Hercules (TT) 1866 GC Hutchinson, St Peter's, Newcastle D / H / P
Amsterdam 1866 A Leslie, Hebburn D / H
Anglo Dane 1866 A Leslie, Hebburn D / H / P
Anne Smith 1866 A Leslie, Hebburn D / H
Cassini 1866 A Leslie, Hebburn D / H
Copernicus 1866 A Leslie, Hebburn D / H
Dagmar 1866 A Leslie, Hebburn D / H
Donati 1866 A Leslie, Hebburn D / H
Flamsteed 1866 A Leslie, Hebburn D / H
Humboldt 1866 A Leslie, Hebburn D / H
Laplace 1866 A Leslie, Hebburn D / H
Liverpool (TT) 1866 A Leslie, Hebburn D / H / P
Loreley 1866 A Leslie, Hebburn D / H
Riga 1866 A Leslie, Hebburn D / H
Thyra 1866 A Leslie, Hebburn D / H / P
Valdemar 1866 A Leslie, Hebburn D / H / P
Terrible (TT) 1866 Low Walker (unspecified shipbuilder) D / H
Derwent 1866 Marshall Brothers, Willington Quay D / H
Fanny Scott 1866 Marshall Brothers, Willington Quay D / H
Mary Scott 1866 Marshall Brothers, Willington Quay D / H
Mayflower 1866 Marshall Brothers, Willington Quay D / H / P
York 1866 Marshall Brothers, Willington Quay D / H
Martlet 1866 Thomas Metcalfe & Sons, South Shields D / H
Stanhope 1866 Middle Dock Co, South Shields D / H
Araks 1866 C Mitchell & Co, Low Walker D / H
Constantine 1866 C Mitchell & Co, Low Walker D / H
Dmitri Milutine 1866 C Mitchell & Co, Low Walker D / H
General Kotzebue 1866 C Mitchell & Co, Low Walker D / H / P
Grand Duchess Olga 1866 C Mitchell & Co, Low Walker D / H
Hornelen 1866 C Mitchell & Co, Low Walker D / H / P
Iran 1866 C Mitchell & Co, Low Walker D / H
James Garstang 1866 C Mitchell & Co, Low Walker D / H
John Brogden 1866 C Mitchell & Co, Low Walker D / H / P
Northumbria 1866 C Mitchell & Co, Low Walker D / H
Prince Gortshakoff 1866 C Mitchell & Co, Low Walker D / H / P
Russia 1866 C Mitchell & Co, Low Walker D / H
Tour 1866 C Mitchell & Co, Low Walker D / H
Unnamed dredger (parts of) 1866 C Mitchell & Co, Low Walker
Mayflower 1866 Newcastle (unspecified builder)
Bull Dog (TT) 1866 North Shields (unspecified builder) D / H
Columbus (TT) 1866 North Shields (unspecified builder) D / H
Earl of Zetland (TT) 1866 North Shields (unspecified builder) D / H
John & James (TT) 1866 North Shields (unspecified builder) D / H
Ospray (TT) 1866 North Shields (unspecified builder) D / H
Scotia (TT) 1866 North Shields (unspecified builder) D / H
Stephensons (TT) 1866 North Shields (unspecified builder) D / H
Camel (TT) 1866 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Jarrow D / H / P
Chicago 1866 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Jarrow D / H / P
Jumna 1866 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Jarrow D / H / P
Manhattan 1866 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Jarrow D / H / P
Merthyr 1866 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Jarrow D / H
St Bede 1866 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Jarrow D / H
Trusty (TT) 1866 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Jarrow D / H
Bolivar 1866 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Willington Quay D / H
Boston 1866 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Willington Quay D / H
Camilla 1866 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Willington Quay D / H / P
Chaucer 1866 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Willington Quay D / H
Constantin 1866 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Willington Quay D / H
Easington 1866 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Willington Quay D / H
John Middleton 1866 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Willington Quay D / H
La Plata 1866 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Willington Quay D / H
Palmyra 1866 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Willington Quay D / H
Pioneer 1866 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Willington Quay D / H
Prudhoe Castle 1866 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Willington Quay D / H
Trevethick 1866 Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Willington Quay D / H
Duo 1866 Readhead, Softley & Co, South Shields D / H
Gladiateur (TT) 1866 Readhead, Softley & Co, South Shields D / H
Great Emperor (TT) 1866 Readhead, Softley & Co, South Shields D / H
Guiding Star (TT) 1866 Readhead, Softley & Co, South Shields D / H
Honor 1866 Readhead, Softley & Co, South Shields D / H
Lizzie Leslie 1866 Readhead, Softley & Co, South Shields D / H / P
Lord Lyon (TT) 1866 Readhead, Softley & Co, South Shields D / H
Pilot (TT) 1866 Readhead, Softley & Co, South Shields D / H / P
Storm King (TT) 1866 Readhead, Softley & Co, South Shields D / H
Unione (TT) 1866 Readhead, Softley & Co, South Shields D / H
Flying Scud (TT) 1866 JP Rennoldson & Sons, North Shields D / H
Joseph Hazell (TT) 1866 JP Rennoldson & Sons, North Shields D / H
Lanercost (TT) 1866 JP Rennoldson & Sons, North Shields D / H
Hero 1866 Schlesinger, Davis & Co, Wallsend D / H
Uhlenhorst 1866 Schlesinger, Davis & Co, Wallsend D / H
Unknown Cargo Ship 1866 Schlesinger, Davis & Co, Wallsend
Unknown Sailing Vessel 1866 Schlesinger, Davis & Co, Wallsend
Bradley 1866 T & W Smith, Limekilns Shore, North Shields D / H
Gosforth 1866 T & W Smith, Limekilns Shore, North Shields D / H
T E Forster 1866 T & W Smith, Limekilns Shore, North Shields D / H
Thomas Gillespy 1866 T & W Smith, Limekilns Shore, North Shields D / H
Express 1866 South Shields (unspecified builder) D / H
Warrior (TT) 1866 South Shields (unspecified builder) D / H
Iona (TT) 1866 R & R Stobbs, Coble Dene, North Shields D / H
Tyne Dock No 2 (TT) 1866 R & R Stobbs, Coble Dene, North Shields D / H / P
Orient (TT) 1866 Tyne (unspecified builder) D / H
Bolivar 1866 Wigham Richardson, Neptune Yard, Low Walker D / H
Bull Dog 1866 Wigham Richardson, Neptune Yard, Low Walker D / H
Collingwood 1866 Wigham Richardson, Neptune Yard, Low Walker D / H
Columbine 1866 Wigham Richardson, Neptune Yard, Low Walker D / H
No 11 Hopper 1866 Wigham Richardson, Neptune Yard, Low Walker D / H
Friends (TT) 1866 A Woodhouse, South Shields D / H / P
George Jackson (TT) 1866 A Woodhouse, South Shields D / H
Aspirant 1866 James Young, South Shields D / H