Above: Select the required shipbuilder by using initial letter of the surname eg: Armstrong, Palmer or Readhead.
The above map is approximately 2.0 miles in width. CLICK on local areas for more detail. Shipbuilders in the Newcastle area:
Name Shipbuilder's Name District Dates Ships Adams John Adams Newcastle 1837 - 1841 4 Airey Thomas Airey & Co Newcastle 1763 - 1763 1 Anderson John Anderson Ouseburn 1902 - 1902 1 Anderson Anderson & Laverick St Lawrence 1892 - 1893 6 Anderson Anderson, Johnson & Littlejohn St Lawrence 1891 - 1892 5 Anderson Anderson, Laverick & Co Ltd St Lawrence 1893 - 1894 5 Armstrong R Armstrong North Shore 1844 - 1845 1 Barclay D Barclay St Peter's 1858 - 1860 Barnes Robert Barnes North Shore 1842 - 1842 1 Bennett Sadler Bennett Newcastle 1876 - 1876 1 Boay Mr Boay Newcastle 1815 - 1815 1 Brown George Brown St Peter's 1847 - 1847 1 Brown Thomas Brown St Lawrence 1890 - 1890 1 Brown T & W Brown St Anthony's 1880 - 1880 1 Brown W Brown St Anthony's 1884 - 1884 1 Brown W Brown & Sons St Lawrence 1883 - 1883 1 Carrs William Carrs North Shore 1759 - 1819 3 Carse William Carse North Shore 1759 - 1819 11 Cockburn Mr Cockburn St Peter's 1817 - 1817 1 Coulson Coulson, Cooke & Co St Peter's 1872 - 1873 7 Cram George Cram Newcastle 1779 - 1801 15 Crawford David Crawford Newcastle 1796 - 1807 4 Cunningham William Cunningham St Lawrence 1839 - 1860 16 Curry T Curry Newcastle 1773 - 1787 6 Dobson Dobson & Thompson Newcastle 1855 - 1855 1 Doeg Alexander Doeg Newcastle 1791 - 1816 6 Donaldson William & Richard Donaldson North Shore 1828 - 1843 2 Elliott John Elliott North Shore 1833 - 1838 2 Elliott John Elliott St Lawrence 1848 - 1851 2 Farrington Richard Farrington & Co North Shore 1810 - 1830 3 Fell Robert Fell Jnr St Peter's 1876 - 1877 1 Fulton G Hall, T Hills & R Fulton Newcastle 1840 - 1843 5 Fulton Robert Fulton Newcastle 1849 - 1865 6 Gothard Robert Gothard Newcastle 1790 - 1806 21 Hair Joseph & John Hair St Peter's 1845 - 1857 8 Hall G Hall, T Hills & R Fulton Newcastle 1840 - 1843 5 Harrison Robert Harrison North Shore 1840 - 1840 1 Harrison Robert Harrison St Peter's 1842 - 1844 3 Haxson George Haxson Newcastle 1882 - 1882 1 Hedley W Hedley Newcastle 1800 - 1803 5 Hepple W Hepple & Son Newcastle 1869 - 1869 1 Hills G Hall, T Hills & R Fulton Newcastle 1840 - 1843 5 Hope G Hope St Anthony's 1871 - 1873 3 Hopper A & R Hopper North Shore 1823 - 1870 25 Huntley GC Huntley St Lawrence Huntley GC Huntley St Peter's Huntley George Huntley Newcastle 1814 - 1814 1 Hutchinson GH Hutchinson & Co St Lawrence 1860 - 1866 10 Kirkup L Kirkup St Peter's 1857 - 1857 1 Lashley William Lashley Mushroom 1787 - 1820 12 Leslie William Leslie Newcastle 1804 - 1814 2 Liddle Lancelot Liddle St Anthony's 1884 - 1884 1 Lindsay Edward Lindsay St Lawrence 1867 - 1878 49 Lindsay John Lindsay St Anthony's 1886 - 1909 22 Marshall R Marshall & Co Newcastle 1881 - 1881 1 Nelson William & Thomas Nelson St Peter's 1843 - 1846 2 Nelson William Nelson North Shore 1860 - 1860 1 Newcastle Newcastle (unspecified builders) Newcastle 1762 - 1881 81 North Shore North Shore (unspecified builders) North Shore 1888 - 1888 4 Oates William Oates North Shore 1829 - 1829 1 Parkin William Parkin St Lawrence 1844 - 1844 1 Potts Cuthbert & Thomas Potts St Anthony's 1825 - 1860 11 Purdie D Purdie, St Anthony's St Anthony's 1902 - 1902 1 Richardson Richardson & Co Newcastle 1875 - 1875 1 Ridley R Ridley North Shore 1824 - 1824 1 Robson John Robson Newcastle 1817 - 1852 2 Rogerson John Rogerson & Co St Peter's 1859 - 1865 21 Rowe William Rowe St Peter's 1756 - 1810 18 Sadler Sadler Bennett Newcastle 1876 - 1876 1 Scott Alexander Scott Newcastle 1846 - 1846 1 Scott W Scott North Shore 1825 - 1831 4 Smith George R Smith Newcastle 1881 - 1881 1 Smith Thomas & William Smith St Peter's 1810 - 1861 38 St Anthony's St Anthony's (unspecified builders) St Anthony's 1832 - 1845 3 St Lawrence St Lawrence (unspecified builders) St Lawrence 1857 - 1867 3 St Peter's St Peter's (unspecified builders) St Peter's 1856 - 1866 11 Stephenson John Stephenson St Anthony's 1814 - 1841 12 Stephenson William Stephenson St Anthony's 1814 - 1841 3 Stuart Charles Stuart Newcastle 1793 - 1793 1 Thomson Mr Thomson Newcastle 1863 - 1874 2 Thompson Dobson & Thompson Newcastle 1855 - 1855 1 Toward E Jackson Toward St Peter's 1855 - 1855 5 Toward Thomas Toward St Peter's 1850 - 1855 16 Trotter Robert Trotter Newcastle 1851 - 1851 1 Tyne General Tyne General Ferry Co St Peter's 1881 - 1891 10 Tyne Iron Tyne Iron Co Lemington 1867 - 1868 1 Tyne Iron Tyne Iron Shipbuilding Co St Peter's 1864 - 1865 16 Tyne Tug Tyne Tug Co St Anthony's 1894 - 1894 1 Vaux John Vaux St Peter's 1838 - 1839 3 Wilkinson Joseph Wrightson Wilkinson St Anthony's 1839 - 1860 13 Wrangham Thomas Wrangham Newcastle 1669 - 1689 Wright Henry & William Wright Newcastle 1801 - 1839 14 --------------- -------------------------------- --------------- ------------- -----