A history of Tyne shipbuilders and the ships that they built




River Views





























Above: Select the required shipbuilder by using initial letter of the surname eg: Armstrong, Palmer or Readhead.

North Shore St Lawrence St Peter's St Anthony's

The above map is approximately 2.0 miles in width. CLICK on local areas for more detail.

Shipbuilders in the Newcastle area:

Name Shipbuilder's Name District Dates Ships
Adams John Adams Newcastle 1837 - 1841 4
Airey Thomas Airey & Co Newcastle 1763 - 1763 1
Anderson John Anderson Ouseburn 1902 - 1902 1
Anderson Anderson & Laverick St Lawrence 1892 - 1893 6
Anderson Anderson, Johnson & Littlejohn St Lawrence 1891 - 1892 5
Anderson Anderson, Laverick & Co Ltd St Lawrence 1893 - 1894 5
Armstrong R Armstrong North Shore 1844 - 1845 1
Barclay D Barclay St Peter's 1858 - 1860
Barnes Robert Barnes North Shore 1842 - 1842 1
Bennett Sadler Bennett Newcastle 1876 - 1876 1
Boay Mr Boay Newcastle 1815 - 1815 1
Brown George Brown St Peter's 1847 - 1847 1
Brown Thomas Brown St Lawrence 1890 - 1890 1
Brown T & W Brown St Anthony's 1880 - 1880 1
Brown W Brown St Anthony's 1884 - 1884 1
Brown W Brown & Sons St Lawrence 1883 - 1883 1
Carrs William Carrs North Shore 1759 - 1819 3
Carse William Carse North Shore 1759 - 1819 11
Cockburn Mr Cockburn St Peter's 1817 - 1817 1
Coulson Coulson, Cooke & Co St Peter's 1872 - 1873 7
Cram George Cram Newcastle 1779 - 1801 15
Crawford David Crawford Newcastle 1796 - 1807 4
Cunningham William Cunningham St Lawrence 1839 - 1860 16
Curry T Curry Newcastle 1773 - 1787 6
Dobson Dobson & Thompson Newcastle 1855 - 1855 1
Doeg Alexander Doeg Newcastle 1791 - 1816 6
Donaldson William & Richard Donaldson North Shore 1828 - 1843 2
Elliott John Elliott North Shore 1833 - 1838 2
Elliott John Elliott St Lawrence 1848 - 1851 2
Farrington Richard Farrington & Co North Shore 1810 - 1830 3
Fell Robert Fell Jnr St Peter's 1876 - 1877 1
Fulton G Hall, T Hills & R Fulton Newcastle 1840 - 1843 5
Fulton Robert Fulton Newcastle 1849 - 1865 6
Gothard Robert Gothard Newcastle 1790 - 1806 21
Hair Joseph & John Hair St Peter's 1845 - 1857 8
Hall G Hall, T Hills & R Fulton Newcastle 1840 - 1843 5
Harrison Robert Harrison North Shore 1840 - 1840 1
Harrison Robert Harrison St Peter's 1842 - 1844 3
Haxson George Haxson Newcastle 1882 - 1882 1
Hedley W Hedley Newcastle 1800 - 1803 5
Hepple W Hepple & Son Newcastle 1869 - 1869 1
Hills G Hall, T Hills & R Fulton Newcastle 1840 - 1843 5
Hope G Hope St Anthony's 1871 - 1873 3
Hopper A & R Hopper North Shore 1823 - 1870 25
Huntley GC Huntley St Lawrence
Huntley GC Huntley St Peter's
Huntley George Huntley Newcastle 1814 - 1814 1
Hutchinson GH Hutchinson & Co St Lawrence 1860 - 1866 10
Kirkup L Kirkup St Peter's 1857 - 1857 1
Lashley William Lashley Mushroom 1787 - 1820 12
Leslie William Leslie Newcastle 1804 - 1814 2
Liddle Lancelot Liddle St Anthony's 1884 - 1884 1
Lindsay Edward Lindsay St Lawrence 1867 - 1878 49
Lindsay John Lindsay St Anthony's 1886 - 1909 22
Marshall R Marshall & Co Newcastle 1881 - 1881 1
Nelson William & Thomas Nelson St Peter's 1843 - 1846 2
Nelson William Nelson North Shore 1860 - 1860 1
Newcastle Newcastle (unspecified builders) Newcastle 1762 - 1881 81
North Shore North Shore (unspecified builders) North Shore 1888 - 1888 4
Oates William Oates North Shore 1829 - 1829 1
Parkin William Parkin St Lawrence 1844 - 1844 1
Potts Cuthbert & Thomas Potts St Anthony's 1825 - 1860 11
Purdie D Purdie, St Anthony's St Anthony's 1902 - 1902 1
Richardson Richardson & Co Newcastle 1875 - 1875 1
Ridley R Ridley North Shore 1824 - 1824 1
Robson John Robson Newcastle 1817 - 1852 2
Rogerson John Rogerson & Co St Peter's 1859 - 1865 21
Rowe William Rowe St Peter's 1756 - 1810 18
Sadler Sadler Bennett Newcastle 1876 - 1876 1
Scott Alexander Scott Newcastle 1846 - 1846 1
Scott W Scott North Shore 1825 - 1831 4
Smith George R Smith Newcastle 1881 - 1881 1
Smith Thomas & William Smith St Peter's 1810 - 1861 38
St Anthony's St Anthony's (unspecified builders) St Anthony's 1832 - 1845 3
St Lawrence St Lawrence (unspecified builders) St Lawrence 1857 - 1867 3
St Peter's St Peter's (unspecified builders) St Peter's 1856 - 1866 11
Stephenson John Stephenson St Anthony's 1814 - 1841 12
Stephenson William Stephenson St Anthony's 1814 - 1841 3
Stuart Charles Stuart Newcastle 1793 - 1793 1
Thomson Mr Thomson Newcastle 1863 - 1874 2
Thompson Dobson & Thompson Newcastle 1855 - 1855 1
Toward E Jackson Toward St Peter's 1855 - 1855 5
Toward Thomas Toward St Peter's 1850 - 1855 16
Trotter Robert Trotter Newcastle 1851 - 1851 1
Tyne General Tyne General Ferry Co St Peter's 1881 - 1891 10
Tyne Iron Tyne Iron Co Lemington 1867 - 1868 1
Tyne Iron Tyne Iron Shipbuilding Co St Peter's 1864 - 1865 16
Tyne Tug Tyne Tug Co St Anthony's 1894 - 1894 1
Vaux John Vaux St Peter's 1838 - 1839 3
Wilkinson Joseph Wrightson Wilkinson St Anthony's 1839 - 1860 13
Wrangham Thomas Wrangham Newcastle 1669 - 1689
Wright Henry & William Wright Newcastle 1801 - 1839 14
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