A history of Tyne shipbuilders and the ships that they built




River Views



Vessels are listed by their names at completion only. For other name changes use the general search facility on the HOME page.
KEY: D / H / P - D means basic dimensions are shown; H means a history is given; P means one or more photographs included.
(TT) indicates that the link will open up in a new window belonging to our sister web site Tyne Tugs

Ships built in the year 1838

Ship Name Year Builder D / H / P
Clipper 1838 John Adams, North Shore, Newcastle D / H
Victoria 1838 J Anderson, Gateshead D / H
Endeavour (TT) 1838 Richard Arkley, North Shields D / H
Undaunted (TT) 1838 R Arkley, North Shields D / H
Christopher Dove 1838 Thomas Barker, South Shields D / H
Content (TT) 1838 A Bell, North Shields D / H
Economy (TT) 1838 A Bell, North Shields D / H
Samson (TT) 1838 A Bell, North Shields D / H
Daisy (TT) 1838 D Bider, St Peter's Quay D / H
Hotspur (TT) 1838 D Bider, East Jarrow D / H
Hannah 1838 William & Luke Blumer, South Shields D / H
Good Intent (TT) 1838 Samuel Dodgin, South Shields D / H
Advance (TT) 1838 J Dowey, North Shields D / H
Blessing (TT) 1838 J Dowey, North Shields D / H
George & Ann 1838 J Dowey, Newcastle D / H
Rob Roy (TT) 1838 J Dowey, North Shields D / H
Janet 1838 James Edwards, South Shields D / H
Mary Ann 1838 James Edwards, South Shields D / H
Newton 1838 John Elliott, North Shore, Newcastle D / H
Ovington 1838 John Elliott, North Shields D / H
Malay 1838 Thomas Forsyth, South Shields
Primrose 1838 Friar's Goose (unspecified builder) D / H
Grafton 1838 Robert Gray, Gateshead D / H
Cottager 1838 Robert Gray, South Shore, Gateshead D / H
Catherine 1838 Hood & Henderson, Bill Quay D / H
Syra 1838 Hood & Henderson, Bill Quay D / H
Greyhound 1838 A & R Hopper & Co, Glass-house Bridge, Newcastle D / H
Fidget 1838 A & R Hopper, North Shore, Newcastle D / H
Isabella 1838 John Kay, North Shields D / H
Amazon 1838 William Maxwell, North Shields D / H
Thoburn 1838 Thomas Metcalfe & Son, Jarrow D / H
Elizabeth 1838 Thomas Metcalfe & Son, South Shields D / H
Robert & Isabella 1838 Thomas Mitcalf & Son, Jarrow D / H
John & Elizabeth 1838 Newcastle (unspecified builder) D / H
Tiger (TT) 1838 North Shields (unspecified builder) D / H
McInroy 1838 William Reay & C Taylor, Walker D / H
Snowdrop 1838 William Reay, Walker D / H
Plantagenet 1838 T & W Smith, St Peter's, Newcastle D / H
John Brotherick 1838 Thompson Smith, Willington Quay D / H
John Brown 1838 Thompson Smith, Willington Quay D / H
Vesper 1838 Thompson Smith, Willington Quay D / H
Hercules (TT) 1838 South Shields (unspecified builder) D / H
Blossom (TT) 1838 Stephenson & Maxwell, North Shields D / H
Joseph & Elizabeth (TT) 1838 Stephenson & Maxwell, North Shields D / H
Jason 1838 William Stephenson, St Anthony's, Newcastle D / H
Sarah Mills 1838 Cuthbert Taylor, Walker D / H
Harmony (TT) 1838 Taylor & Bulmer, South Shields D / H
Tyro (TT) 1838 Taylor & Bulmer, South Shields D / H
Syra 1838 W Torrance, Bill Quay D / H
Pergo de Ragoe 1838 John Vaux, St Peter's Quay, Newcastle D / H
Caledonia (TT) 1838 S Wood, South Shore, Gateshead D / H
Queen (TT) 1838 S Wood, South Shore, Gateshead D / H
St Michael (TT) 1838 S Wood, South Shore, Gateshead D / H
Success (TT) 1838 S Wood, South Shore, Gateshead D / H
Amazon 1838 A Woodhouse, South Shields D / H
Premier (TT) 1838 A Woodhouse, South Shields D / H
Rapid (TT) 1838 A Woodhouse, South Shields D / H
Reaper (TT) 1838 A Woodhouse, South Shields D / H
Rising Sun (TT) 1838 A Woodhouse, South Shields D / H
John & William (TT) 1838 W Wright, Howdon Pans D / H
Dahlia 1838 William Wright, North Shore, Newcastle D / H
Enyo 1838 William Wright, North Shore, Newcastle
Ceres 1838 C Young & Sons, South Shields D / H
Harvest 1838 C Young & Sons, South Shields D / H
Leander 1838 C Young, South Shields D / H
Sarah 1838 Cuthbert Young, South Shields
Thomas Young 1838 C Young & Sons, South Shields D / H