A history of Tyne shipbuilders and the ships that they built




River Views



Vessels are listed by their names at completion only. For other name changes use the general search facility on the HOME page.
KEY: D / H / P - D means basic dimensions are shown; H means a history is given; P means one or more photographs included.
(TT) indicates that the link will open up in a new window belonging to our sister web site Tyne Tugs

Ships built in the year 1801

Ship Name Year Builder D / H / P
Aerial 1801 Ann Brodrick, South Shields
Choice 1801 Lockwood Brodrick, South Shields D / H
Symmetry 1801 Lockwood Brodrick, South Shields D / H
Britannia 1801 R & J Bulmer, South Shields
William 1801 William Carse, Newcastle
Cambo 1801 George Cram, Newcastle
George & Elizabeth 1801 George Dawson, Whitehill Point D / H
Concord 1801 Alexander Doeg, Felling Shore, Gateshead D / H
Sophia 1801 Alexander Doeg, Felling Shore, Gateshead
Commerce 1801 James Evans, South Shields
Britannia 1801 Robert Gothard, Newcastle
Melton 1801 Robert Gothard, Newcastle D / H
British Hero 1801 Thomas Hearn, North Shields
Niger 1801 W Hedley, Newcastle
Sarah 1801 W Hedley, Newcastle
Alexander 1801 Francis Hurry & Co, Howdon
Amazon 1801 Francis Hurry & Co, Howdon
Ardent 1801 Francis Hurry & Co, Howdon
Jackal 1801 Francis Hurry & Co, North Shields
St Vincent 1801 Francis Hurry & Co, North Shields
Syren 1801 Francis Hurry, Howdon D / H
Union 1801 Francis Hurry & Co, Howdon
Spring 1801 John Miller, South Shields D / H
Mary 1801 Newcastle (unspecified builder) D / H
Alfred 1801 Nicholson, Horn & Blenkinsop, South Shields
Ariel 1801 William Rowe, St Peter's, Newcastle
City of London 1801 William Rowe, St Peter's, Newcastle
Lark 1801 William Rowe, St Peter's, Newcastle
Union 1801 William Rowe, St Peter's, Newcastle
Alpha 1801 John Summers, Gateshead
Atlas 1801 Simon Temple, South Shields D / H
Champion 1801 Simon Temple, South Shields
Hercules 1801 Simon Temple, South Shields
Warrior 1801 Simon Temple, South Shields
Mentor 1801 Thomas Walmsley, North Shields D / H
Ocean 1801 Thomas Walmsley, North Shields
William & Mary 1801 Henry Wright, Newcastle D / H