The above map shows the north bank of the Tyne at the top, with the entrance of the Ouseburn to the right of centre.
The south river bank in way of Gateshead is clearly shown, with a Slip & Shipbuilding Yard indicated to the left.
This could be the South Shore yard.
The road following the south bank at this point is shown as Blackwall Deptford.
In the bottom right corner of the map is shown an Engine Works and Shipbuilding Yard.
This could be the Jonathan Robson yard at Blackwall.
However since South Shore to Blackwall & Tyne Main is just over half a mile, the various descriptions could all relate to the same actual location.
The map below is courtesy of Google Maps and shows the same area today.

Above map is copyright of Google and is approximately 0.3 miles or 500 metres in width
Tyne Main was a further 0.3 miles downstream (to the right)