Name: | ASHANTI |
Type: | Cargo Ship |
Launched: | 19/02/1897 |
Completed: | 04/1897 |
Builder: | CS Swan & Hunter Ltd |
Yard: | Wallsend |
Yard Number: | 218 |
Dimensions: | 3389grt, 2186nrt, 330.0 x 45.2 x 18.2ft |
Engines: | T3cyl (24, 40 & 64 x 42ins), 293nhp |
Engines by: | North-Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd, Wallsend |
Propulsion: | 1 x Screw, 11.0knots |
Construction: | Steel |
Reg Number: | 106847 |
History: | |
04/1897 | GB Hunter & WJ Davey (Elder Dempster & Co), Liverpool |
1899 | Elder Dempster Shipping Ltd, Liverpool |
1910 | Elder Line Ltd (Elder Dempster Shipping Ltd), Liverpool |
1920 | Broken up |
Comments: | 19/08/1919: Damaged by fire at Dakar after arriving from New York |
with cased oil and general cargo. Beached as a total loss | |
1920: Refloated and towed to Marseilles for breaking up |
Above photo is courtesy of Photoship
Shields Daily Gazette, Saturday, 20/02/1897