Type: | Cruiser |
Keel: | 31/08/1895 |
Launched: | 25/08/1896 |
Completed: | 29/04/1897 |
Builder: | Armstrong, Whitworth & Co |
Yard: | Elswick |
Yard Number: | 630 |
Dimensions: | 3409disp, 330.0 x 43.0 x 16.8(draft)ft |
Engines: | 2 x T3cyl (31, 46 & 70 x 30ins), 7500ihp |
Engines by: | Humphrys Tennant & Co, Deptford |
Propulsion: | 2 x Screws, 20.0knots |
Construction: | Steel |
Armament: | 6 x 1 x 6.0ins QF, 4 x 1 x 4.7ins QF, 10 x 1 x 6pdr QF guns; |
3 x 18.0ins torpedoes, (1 x bow & 2 x broadside) | |
History: | |
29/04/1897 | Government of Brazil |
1931 | Discarded |
Comments: | Also known as BARROSO |
Above photo is courtesy of Terry Summerson
Above photo is courtesy of Photoship
Above photo is courtesy of Photoship